I ran into this at the deli on Newark Avenue yesterday. Kinder Hungry Hippy candy, in "cacao." I bought a "5 stück" but haven't cracked open the box yet. Apparently, they are made of Knusperwaffel, Milchcremefüllung, Kakaocremefüllung, and Baiser-Splitter. Mmm-mmm, Baiser-Splitter.
At $4.59, these better be some tasty hippo treats.
Good lord, that's a lot of money for that. Actually, that company makes a lot of "hippo" branded products. What's hilarious is that their advertising tries to assure parents that the Milchcremefüllung is giving their kids healthy, vitamin-D and calcium-containing milk.
What? Hippo candy provides calcium and vitamin D? I better eat it for breakfast every day!
For some reason, the commercial jingle to "Hungry Hungry Hippos" keeps running through my brain. (All six words of it: Hungry hungry hippos / hungry hungry hippos.)
So, what is Baiser-splitter?
C'mon, Peg...
"If you wanna play the game, you gotta have good aim, and feed the most marbles to your Hipppoooooo....
Playing Hungry Hungry Hippo (Hungry Hungry Hippo)..."
That's from memory. Pardon any errors, Googlers.
Yeah, well, my memory only remembers choruses (however lame the chorus may be)...
The ads say "Are your children getting enough milk?" I don't think they actually make any nutritional claims.
This must be Hippo Month: a friend of mine wrote from Medellin last night about going to see Escobar's hippos.
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