My blog got a mysterious number of hits on Wednesday by people looking for "dik-dik on a stick." A little sleuthing revealed that the dik-dik on a stick photo mocked up by Steve had total strangers wondering what dik-dik tastes like.
Which sounds obscene. But I promise it is not.
Even stranger: The Google ads showing at the top at the time promised "dik-dik ringtones." What the hell is a dik-dik ringtone?
DikDiks are so 5 minutes ago. I'm partial to the CusCus, myself!
Only in Australia. (And PNG, of course.)
What, you didn't like my theory on what a dik-dik ring tone would sound like?
Never had Dik-Dik.
I have had zebra, and kudu and springbok and warthog.
Namibia and South Africa are tasty countries!
e said it's the yelp when the stick goes in. I don't think the dik-dik yelptones are Mac-compatible. Maybe someone else can give it a try.
Jack is right about the larger animals. I wonder if maybe dik-dik isn't on many menus because it's so small that it wouldn't make more than a stew and one entree before you just tossed out the bones.
I'm thinking, based on a Vietnamese pocket deer I almost crushed at the Berlin Zoo (it was in a room where the birds and animals roamed freely and you walk through it), that there'd be less meat on a dik-dik than on a Cornish game hen. It'd also be extremely tough, because there's not a lot of room for fat on the body, but it might well taste good.
There's no listing in the Oxford Companion to Food, which lists every edible thing (and some non-edible things), including dogs, cats, and people.
POCKET DEER? A deer you could put in your pocket? That's cool.
As soon as my pal Craig gets back from Burundi, I'm going to try to get him to go up to the Bronx Zoo with me to look for dik-diks. He was silly enough to accompany me to the Fish Garden in Cairo, so he's a good candidate for another pointless excursion.
I've already established that there are no dik-diks in Central Park Zoo. Leading one to the obvious slogan: "More Diks in Central Park." (New slogan courtesy e. R-H, of course.)
dik dik ringtones sound something like this. imagine your phone ringing:
DIK DIK!....... DIK DIK!.........DIK DIK!......... DIK DIK!..... DIK... uh hello?
Would it be disloyal of me (to the dik-dik) to say that I do not want my phone to do that?
Perhaps the dik-dik ringtone is some variation on the Timberlake classic?
Hey, my mother reads this blog!
My mother would laugh herself sick at that Sat Night Live skit. Guess she kinda skews my perspective.
No wonder I was always being sent home from playdates...
I'm the guy called "naneau" in the chat log you posted. The internet works in mysterious ways :)
I shall try to explain to you how this all happened. I am a web developer from the Netherlands, who adopted the noble dik-dik as a personal mascot. Some of my fellow nerds take it on themselves to make fun of that, a dik-dik being tiny and cute and all. The one called SpotSec came up with "dik-dik on a stick", a term which was then entered into google. Your blog popped up. People thought it was funny :)
When I was searching for dik-dik related material, your blog popped up again, this time with a reference to... me myself. It put a smile on my face.
Naneau, that's really funny. I didn't think you'd spot my post, since I put up a screenshot rather than anything searchable.
But of course the original term is searchable, isn't it?
I'm amused. This here internet thing is funny.
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