The waiting guide was a local man, slightly older than me and accompanied by two Bannerman Castle Trust volunteer tourist-wranglers. The guide pointed at a pile of red, white, and yellow hard hats that were lying on the ground beside the path.
"Each of you are required to wear one of these. The State of New York owns Pollelel Island and requires that each visitor wear a hard hat."
"There's a tick," muttered another kayaker, pointing at a bug on the guide's bag.
Oh hell. I didn't bring any bug spray, having assumed the danger here was from mosquitos (which don't like me). I didn't even think about ticks.
"We'll walk to the other side of the island and eat lunch, then we'll take a closer look at the castle," said the guide.
He led us to a small clearing where we unpacked our sandwiches (supplied by the outfitter) and listened to the story of Bannerman Castle.
Frank Bannerman was a Scot with a knack for collecting. He would buy up surplus military goods and naval scrap, and when he bought the surplus equipment and ammunition in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War, he ended up with too much stuff and had to store it outside the New York city limits. His son found Pollepel Island, so Bannerman bought it in 1900, finishing the simulated Scottish castle storage facility a few years later. The actual residence (summer only) was a smaller building up the hill.
When our guide was little, he said, he used to find his way to Bannerman Castle and play inside it. There were rotting old leather bags, shells, and munitions. The castle caught fire in 1969 and little remains inside the shell now.
We weren't allowed to get that close to Bannerman Castle, and I could see why. Ticks would be the least of your worries if you were wandering around this ruin.
We took photos—I've put some here—and after a few hours, loaded ourselves back into our kayaks to row back to Cold Spring.
1 comment:
You look Great!
Come to Canada to kayak/canoe, or at least the 1000 Islands.
You will be loved there.
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