Saturday, May 13, 2006

Jambo, This Time You're Our Guest

The first time I went to Nairobi, I was surprised at how many innovative scams I encountered. This time, the city has done an about-face. I am Kenya's guest.

I'm en route to Nairobi for a FAM—a 7-day press trip. Yes, I admit I'm pretty "FAM" already with Kenya—but I've never been to private games reserves and that's where the tourism board is taking me (I get to write a few stories about this for

I received plenty of pre-departure information, which I ignored, but now I'm on the plane and reviewing it. I realized, to my great horror, that I did not bring several of the items on the "PACKING" list.

For example, I left home without these essential items:

-zipper pant/short khakis
-khaki/green/white clothing
-a "Patagonia"

I hope they let me in the country anyway.

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