Thursday, January 19, 2006

Filipino Swedes in Kuwait

This is an ad for the Kuwait IKEA.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's a classic! Think I might print it and stick it on my noticeboard to brighten my days.

Marie Javins said...

In Jersey City, the Indians and Sri Lankans play cricket in the park two blocks from my house. I love it.

As for Daniel Johnston... you might hear a familiar voice interviewing Daniel during some of the footage in that documentary.

Marie Javins said...

Oh c'mon E-Swede... don't you dress like this on weekends?

Ed Ward said...

When Ikea opened a new store in Berlin they had ads like that, except it was Turks in Swedish clothing, or with blonde wigs. I thought it was borderline racist, but apparently the Turks thought it was funny. Or else just ignored it, which they're good at doing here.

Anonymous said...

Sure Marie, you've got me there.. I mean, the lovely blue west, those decadent baggy trousers, that seductive little hat and those tight and sexy white socks - what's not to like?!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of IKEA ads - here's a good one from our friendly neighbour in the east: