But what, I have wondered, does one do with a dik-dik ranch? Suggestions have ranged from producing dik-dik dog food to marketing dik-diks as nouveau house pets.
But the most visual presentation came from Steve "The Bucce" Buccellato. He envisions me running a chain of Dik-Dik On A Stik (no 'c,' natch) carry-outs. And he sent me this tantalizing image to sway me to his viewpoint... I think I'm convinced, as long as my arms don't turn all strange and puffy like they are in this photo.

Note: Other items on sticks previously featured on this blog include rat-on-a-stick and meat-on-a-stick. Cuz everything tastes better on a stick. Stik.
Sorry about the fat arms. I guess they come with the job. Or at least they come with the photo that I "enhanced" for your purposes.
I forgot to add: All dik-diks used in Dik-Dik On A Stik products are free-range, organic "green" dik-diks. No MSG or additives, ever! Electricity for automatic recycled-material doggie-doors to grazing pasture is supplied by passive solar PV panels. It is a well-known fact that dik-diks leave no carbon footprints.
No additives, whew! But are they fed growth hormones? Maybe they need 'em. Not much meat on those suckers. Maybe you can breed dik-diks with extra large breast meat, like McDonalds does.
Thems eats!
Marie, your devoted readers need to know: what fountain beverage goes best with Dik Dik on a Stik?
Amanda, in Alaska, trying to cadge my diamond tooth-inlay from Edward's cheap-ass pockets
Excellent photo Marie. Steve did a great job but I never want to see that hat on you again!
Amanda-don't talk about fountain drinks and Scarf, no mention of anything frozen, please, have pity! I am in sweltering Manhattan, in the very hot library. I was standing on the 2/3 platform for ten minutes and it was really gross. Not only could I feel beads of sweat rolling down my back and chest, I could feel them run down my thighs and tickle my knees! GROSS! And I was going to a business lunch no less, so I got to meet the CEO of the Kuwait company I work for, the writer, and the penciler of the comic and they got to see me in a sweat-stained sleeveless Target shirt. Naif laughed about the heat. Apparently it's like 30 degrees hotter in Kuwait... but he did say that it's not like you go walking around in 120 degree heat in Kuwait. You can fry a dik-dik on the hood of your Hummer there.
Don--I'll do one better. Not only will I never wear that hat, I will never have actually worn it, not to fear.
I recognize part of that photo... Steve did a great job manipulating the picture.
How about educating the world through major motion pictures. Maybe Costner is free and would be interested in something along the lines of "Dances with Dik-Dik" or maybe a more recent rehash of "Broke Dik Mountain". Either way kids across the nation could be hold cute cuddly stufffed Dik Diks while chomping away on their Dik Dik on a Stik Stik.
Sound track by Snoop Dikky Dik
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