And this site mentioned my appearance. Though I've never heard of the site, they apparently get a lot of traffic because the bookstore in question has been flooded with orders for the 3-D World Atlas & Tour.
Come on by. I'll be at Book Culture on W. 112th just east of Broadway, starting at 11 a.m. I'll wear my new skirt and boots, even.
I see the 3-D Atlas got its first positive review on Amazon.
And did you notice that all the Dik-Dik reviews disappeared? Amazon claims it's some kind of test or something, and says they'll put them back later.
Daily Candy is HUGE. It's largely a sign-up service...subscribers get an email every morning alerting them to some cool new product. I'm not sure how the kids' version works, but this should definitely produce an uptick in orders. Congratulations.
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