The receptionist at my guesthouse had sent me to the stores by the Giant Swing. All I found there were huge golden Buddhas, but a guy told me I could find my zebras at Bang Bua Thong. I looked this up and found I could get there by a combination of metro and bus or taxi, and I'd do even better if I left from Chatuchak Market after my regular pilgrimage.
I didn't make it. I made it to JJ Market on Saturday morning, sure. I managed to buy an ugly ceramic zebra, but didn't find the source of all things zebra, and I didn't have the energy to go to Bang Bua Thong and start asking random strangers "Have you seen these?" Plus I had to meet Mr. Fixit later in the early evening. Remember my colleague from Kuwait? We used to communicate daily for 7-8 years. It's weird when circumstances change and you suddenly have less interaction with someone. It trickles and then nearly dries up completely.
At Chatuchak, I bought a few tiny pieces to put in my spirit house back in Jersey City, browsed the market, then headed to the bus. I may not be buying the right zebras, but I knew where to find all the other zebras. I'd even added it to Google Maps.
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