Monday, September 18, 2023

Unexpected Dilemma

Remember I surprised us all (mostly surprised myself) and bought a used Prius?

Well, turns out California is in some kind of simmering insurance crisis. I have questionable short-term car insurance, but I've been essentially on hold for weeks with my regular insurance company, which I've had various forms of property or car insurance with since 1992.

This week, I'll have to go to one of the agencies (AAA, for example) known for still doing business in California if the underwriter doesn't get a move on. It's confusing and weird, and there are a few articles about it, but mostly, people aren't really talking about this. To know about it at all, you'd have to be either in the middle of switching or you'd have to be applying after not having car insurance for a while (or being a new driver, or maybe moving here from out-of-state).

Anyway, it's annoying. I'm sure eventually I'll be fully insured and I can drive my hybrid with wild abandon, drag race on the 6th Street viaduct, pick up large groceries, that sort of thing.

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