Friday, December 30, 2022

Purple Prose

Last night, I got a forty dollar rush ticket to see 1776 on Broadway. Or sort of on Broadway. On 42nd Street near Broadway if you must know.

I hadn't seen 1776 since watching it on a VHS tape in Latin class in high school. I realize that memory is incorrect, as there is no reason to watch 1776 in Latin class. Maybe it was history class.

Anyway, 1776 doesn't really hold up given the inevitable comparisons to the more electrifying and modern Hamilton, and watching Congress fight felt a bit like something I could just see in the news. The cast was distinctly not white male property owners, which elevated the theme that compromise in 1776 led to incremental change over time, and you want to yell "NOOO don't do it" at Adams and Jefferson, but you can see how cornered they are.

It was rough watching the rot at the core of the apple of democracy as entertainment .

lol, did I just write apple of democracy...

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