Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Doe A Deer

Working noon-9 pm Eastern time (9-6 Pacific time) gets pretty rough the last couple hours of every weekday, but the mornings are brilliant. I can go to physical therapy for my foot, or do menial tasks, play with the yard beasts, or swim or ride a Citibike.

This morning I wanted to go swimming, but the August morning was a little colder than I'd expected, so I went for a bike ride to Liberty State Park instead. My plan was to visit Caven Point, a migratory bird habitat currently under siege from a golf course developer. (shakes fist.)

And look who I saw on the way to Caven Point! This explains a lot about how a deer got into my backyard a few years ago. (Caven Point itself was closed for bird nesting, but I'll go back later in the year.)

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