Sunday, August 21, 2022

Actually, Yes, Ugly Dude

Slice of life at the bus stop yesterday, the one at the Grove Street PATH.

One of those "Via" shared rides SUVs stopped at the bus stop and opened its doors. A young man at the bus stop noticed a woman inside and proceeded to try to get her attention.

"You're looking good, you want to talk? Hey, you disrespectin' me? I just want to talk."

She either ignored him or didn't even hear him. As she continued to ignore him while other passengers got into the Via, he started talking to himself.

"You can't even say hi to the ladies no more. I ain't no ugly dude."

No one said a word to the not-ugly dude, but I probably wasn't the only one who thought it might be a while before not-ugly dude figured some things out about how to talk to women.

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