Saturday, May 28, 2022

Pottery Tourism

One thing I like about living so close to Mexico is, well, going to Mexico. A couple of years ago in Loreto, I saw some pottery labeled “Tonalá.” I looked it up and learned Tonalá is near Guadalajara, and there are at least four pottery museums in Tonalá and nearby Tlaquepaque.

I made a mental note to go check out this pottery, and this holiday weekend is when I finally got around to it.

Guadalajara is currently ninety degrees, and I still have the remnants of plantar fasciitis in one foot, so the trip has been kind of challenging. Also, two years of covid, age, and 7-8 years of a desk job haven’t done me any favors, even with the odd trip thrown in here and there. I have fancy sneakers with custom insoles that are supposed to offset the heel muscle and spur thing, but I’m skeptical it’s doing much. I’m getting another opinion from Denise’s foot doctor next time I am in New York and I’m paranoid about getting too many cortisone shots since a friend got permanent damage that way, but for now, I’m just dealing with the discomfort.

Great idea to spend the days walking around in the sun, right?

Friday was pretty rough. I didn’t drink enough water and didn’t wear a hat, and was discombobulated even though it’s only a two hour time difference. Today (Saturday) was easier—I drank endless water, ate salty food, wore my hat and sunglasses, stopped for café breaks, and well, the foot thing was no different from yesterday.

This weakness and discomfort have impacted my travel confidence. Not that much, admittedly, but enough I’m surprised. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s solo travel, so I’m startled to have spiraled back to “Is this the best idea?” which is something I went through endlessly the first half of the original Marie’s trip around-the-world, but it’s been a while. All that’s really happening, I suspect, is that thing that happens whenever one has a physical ailment—wondering what if this is permanent? What if my heel hurts forever and there will be no third MariesWorldTour?

But that is silly, I know. And having the foot thing plus a job means I’m more likely to get a taxi or Uber instead of being stubborn about public transit, which is fine, and traveling during covid means the one unpleasant thing about traveling alone is solved—that is, eating dinner in restaurants. Finding takeaway is easy now. I just eat in my hotel room if the restaurant is too couple or family-cozy.

Here are some photos of my first day in Guadalajara, in the historic centro, and the second day wandering around Tlaquepaque until I was about to drop. Tomorrow, on to Tonalá (after getting a mandatory covid test for flying), then on Monday, back to LAX.

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