Monday, March 21, 2022

Late Pandemic State

This isn't special.

Today, I got a late start and walked to work, taking a meeting from my phone as I headed in. I spent all day at my desk in the office except when I went to Coffee Commissary for a takeaway sandwich. I got a lot done but of course ended up with more in my in-box than I eliminated. An editor stopped by and we had a brief meeting with a boss-person via my laptop monitor.

I left work at 7:30 after becoming distracted by reviewing some covers and packing a few boxes.

And then I stopped by the supermarket on the way home, and I didn't feel like making dinner, so I picked up some samosas and a little salad.

So what, you might say. There is nothing worth talking about here on this update.

And that is what makes it so wonderful and not the least bit special.

I did put on my mask when I picked up lunch and when I walked into the office building. And there were only three others in all day. But ultimately, today felt perfectly, exquisitely average.

Basking in normalcy feels pretty good at the moment.

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