Sunday, September 26, 2021

New Transit

Today I took Metro Micro, a shared on-demand ride service that will take you around North Hollywood and Burbank for a dollar. It's like the Super Shuttle only not as annoying and you don't have to load up everyone's luggage. I had a code so Metro Micro was free today, and it takes TAP cards too. I just booked it on my phone using the Metro Micro app, which told me to go to a corner near the NoHo metro, where a driver picked me up in a sleek air conditioned van with seatbelts and wifi. We picked up one other passenger along Magnolia, and I was dropped off across the street from my destination in Burbank (the hardware store).

I hadn't taken it before because every time I'd tried to book it, the wait had been 20 minutes, and I keep forgetting to plan ahead so I usually just walk or take a bus. Or a scooter that one time. But this time the van arrived in 4 minutes, which is good because the bus that goes along this route wasn't due for 40 minutes.

Metro Micro is awesome, and a lot safer than the electric scooter I tried a few weeks ago. 

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