Thursday, November 26, 2020

Pandemic Thanksgiving

I've spent more than my fair share of holidays in hotel rooms around the world, with the one I recall most clearly being 2001, when an attendant handed me a tray of chicken and rice on a sleeper train from Aswan to Cairo.

I'm in post-flight quarantine right now, (eighth day, so feeling pretty comfortable with my risk-level), but Michael Kraiger is going to give me a to-go plate of vittles.

All I have to do is put on a mask and go up to his house to fetch it later today.

We're all comfortable with different levels of risk, and I've found social distantanced, masked interactions work for me. I was comfortable with outdoor dining back in August, but the stats have changed and so has my risk aversion. 

 It's 63 degrees out, so I think I'll go get a Citibike and ride to Liberty State Park. If we're talking about being thankful, I'm just relieved to have a day off work. 

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