Monday, February 10, 2020

Define First World Concerns in the Form of a Question

I'm a fan of peanut butter, but over the last six months I've been trying out other nut butters.

So here is my report. You didn't ask for this, but great news, you're getting it anyway!

Almond butter: Yum. This can be delicious. It can also be bland. Depends on the manufacturer and the ratio of oil to almonds. But almond farming is messy and destructive. Not the farming itself, I guess, but when you do more than a little almond farming, and it takes a lot of almonds to keep us happy with our almond milk and almond butter.

Coconut butter: On its own, not so great, but mix it with almond butter and this is big yum. But again, our obsession with almonds is unsustainable, at least until we figure out how to not drain the world of water and bees while we farm almonds. (I guess coconut isn't really a nut? But it says nut right there in the name.)

Sunflower butter: This tasted disgusting to me. Like taking a bunch of sunflower seeds and smashing them up into a paste. I don't mind sunflower seeds, but I did mind a smashed paste of sunflower seeds. Right into the trash bin.

Cashew butter: Dee-licious. The only nut butter that was yummier than this was the Rx Nut Butter kind that usually has some almonds in it. But cashew butter is also super expensive. Maybe I can grow a cashew tree on my balcony?

What's next? Maybe brazil nut butter or macadamia nut butter. Or maybe I'll go back to the basics with peanut butter.

(Hint: In case you don't know this, the way to deal with the oil separation in nut butters is to turn the unopened jar upside down for a while before you open it, then once you've mixed it up, keep it in the refrigerator.) On to Tuesday!

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I haven't tried any of those.

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