Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Burbank: Pedestrian Paradise

Walking to work. Intersection of Olive and Alameda.

Old man: "Whaddaya think this is, a racetrack?"

I laughed and kept walking. I have no idea what he meant. I wasn't lackadaisical but I wasn't walking particularly fast either. I didn't almost run into him and we didn't even get to the corner at the same time.

Walking to work. Intersection of Bob Hope and Alameda. I have the light.

Halfway across the street, I notice the woman in the car at the crosswalk is about to turn right on red and hasn't seen me. I half-pause. She looks left, sees me, stops, I finish crossing. A car three cars back honks at the woman. She's obviously going too slow for him, since she's paused to let a pedestrian cross.

I am still walking, now on the sidewalk in front of my building. The guy who honked the car horn drives by, his window down.

"Pick up the pace!" he yells.

I give him the finger.

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