Wednesday, August 28, 2019

LAX Excursion

I’m flying out of LAX tonight and it’s possible I’m going to miss my plane.

Right when I was leaving the office, some people decided they had to talk about a very important issue, so I was running late. I ended up grabbing a Lyft to Van Nuys Flyaway because I thought it would be the fastest way. (Normally I get the Red Line to the Hollywood or Union Station Flyaway.)

Well, that was a big mistake. The wait for the Lyft was annoying, the traffic was horrendous, and the bus left 20 minutes late.

Note to self: Always opt for the train during rush hour. 

So I was looking up how to walk from Terminal 1 to Terminal 7 in case I have to jump off the bus and run while it makes its loop around, and hey, something amusing came out of this irritating night.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

The aliens have landed and they're hiding at LAX.

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