Monday, May 27, 2019

Old Tech

After too many unruly morning ride-shares to Newark, I called a taxi for this morning’s ride.

I've had to wait 20 minutes for a Lyft I'd scheduled the night before, and I'd watched drivers disappear en route and another one be scheduled...and have to wait another 20 minutes. I'm not sure why—I guess leaving super-early is a problem from Bergen-Lafayette.

The taxi driver showed up early, the dispatch office called to let me know he was out front, and I didn’t have to make small talk or worry about how I was going to be rated. He also knew the difference between the drop-off points and nimbly navigated the airport.

I never take taxis FROM the airport cuz that’s at least fifty bucks, but I have had a lot of problems with that as well. Last time I found myself swearing to grab the bus on future rides, no matter what time of day I arrive.

I think I’m switching back to taxis for crack of dawn rides to Newark. This was so much more predictable than a Lyft or Uber. 

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

That just rates as better service.

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