Saturday, May 04, 2019

Marie's Project Waste Reduction Update: Part 1

I've been trying to be more aware of my own use of non-renewable waste.

I started carrying my own supermarket bags in 2001 after a month in Berlin during my first MariesWorldTour. This was not a conscious decision at first—it's just how things were done there. But it stuck, and I adopted this habit on a permanent basis within a year.

Other things I've been doing lately:

  • Using reusable produce bags.
  • Using reusable nylon bulk foods bags. New and different. These only work if you have access to bulk foods at a local supermarket. 
  • Regular patronage of local farmers market.
  • Experimenting with carrying my own utensils/straw.
  • Not having a car and using public transit.
  • Cutting way, way back on red meat. 
  • I even bought some silk dental floss, though I haven't tried it yet. 

Of course, my carbon footprint is a stain upon the earth given my number of airplane flights over the year, so while the above sounds good in theory, all it really does is improve my disposition.

To be fair, my disposition could use some improving, so Project Waste Reduction is a win for everyone around me.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Admittedly I have not thought of carrying around my own utensils.

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