Friday, July 10, 2015

Party in the Basement

One of my freelancers explained to me that plumbing knows when you're vulnerable.

And so this happened on Wednesday night, when I was at a dinner in San Diego and not hearing my phone ding. My JC tenant turned off the gas and the water. The good news is he was awake late on a deadline, which is the best of all worlds for me. He could easily have been out of town or asleep.

This morning, after finally getting to sleep at 2:30 (Comic-Con involves a lot of late nights), I got a 6:30 call from the plumber. It was 9:30 in Jersey City.

He explained some things to me about a blocked CO2 vent and something rotting, as well as a bit of info about my glorious new 40-gallon gas-powered water heater, and in a gravelly morning voice, I'm pretty sure I agreed to everything including building a Batman fountain in the yard.

Happy New Water Heater Day, everyone!

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