Thursday, June 11, 2015

Yes And...

You'd think I'd be better at this.

Moving around is my business. In theory, given that I can move across the planet for a year at a time with just a backpack, able to work in Cairo or Kuwait on short notice, I should be expert-level at relocating from JC to Burbank.

But that's not how it works. Because aside from the 2001 MariesWorldTour (which taught me to keep a home base no matter what), I always had a rock-solid idea of home, where it is, and where my stuff waits for me, down the street from my friends. And now... I don't really know. I'm on nomad-duty, without a firm notion of where I'll end up living. What to do here after I clock out.

I booked an AirBnB for my arrival in town. I got something lovely, because I waited too long to book and had to go outside my price range. The little place I'm in, in the Toluca Lake part of town just outside the WB lot, is just wonderful. Spectacular. Beyond my pay grade and created with far better taste and care than I should be allowed. I'm afraid I'll break it--that's how nice it is.

And after the first few days of fumbling, I worked out that the one-dollar Burbank Bus that goes directly to the office is just two blocks away from my housing. Great! Though I rented a car for the second week. But it goes back to Enterprise tomorrow, and then I'll be back to experimenting with the viability of not having a car in this town. There's Uber and Lyft, which might work for me. I'm wary of the new economy, the AirBnB and Ubers of the world, but then, I'd rather see feedback than rent an apartment off Craigslist. I'd rather have an Uber than not have an Uber. I'd rather have an Uber than spend four days driving my car here from JC. I guess we'll see how this goes. In the end, I might be the one with a powder-blue Prius in a month. Or not.

One of my colleagues--well, that's not exactly right--one of my bosses, and there are only so many so I guess it's my boss-over-boss. Or something. Let's say a friend of mine from work, is letting me stay in his temp housing for a couple of nights when this ends, then I go back East for a few days to sort out my house and storage I left in a mess, and then I'll move AirBnBs to either Downtown LA or Hollywood. I want to try some options besides Burbank. So far, I'm convinced that Burbank is the easy answer, but it's best for families. If you look up "ridiculously uncool" in the dictionary, you'll see a mini-map of Burbank. Not in Webster's. In another dictionary. You know the one.

I don't mind ridiculously uncool, but I'm not sure family-life is for me. I wonder if perhaps Hollywood and its late-night eateries might be for me. I'd like to give it a try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Boy, Here we go
Nod in LA

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