Friday, May 23, 2014

The Double Park System of E. 7th

I'm starting to look at properties again, after being burned by the leaking oil tank up in the Heights 181 Beacon when that was for sale earlier in the year. (I wonder what happened to that. I wonder if the owners are doing anything about it or if someone else has decided they don't mind the tremendous risk.) 

I'm still looking in Jersey City, of course. The area over by Liberty State Park is on fire right now. Not literally, and if it was, I suppose a flood would eventually come along and put it out. I mean people are buying and renovating over there. I like that in theory, and I like the incredible old brick houses up the hill from there on Astor and Madison, but it may be that I must be on a train line. I'm pretty lazy already and I'm really close to Person-hattan as it stands.

I am thinking of moving back into the Big City too, of taking advantage of some of the affordable housing programs and the more sane health insurance options. And more sane taxes. But it's so dense. There are down sides. I've gotten used to the lovely and practical user-interface of my park and my local services.

And the there's this. I found it in my car a few weeks ago, under the dashboard mat. Ah, the joys of alternate-side in the East Village. How could I leave such a thing behind?

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