Monday, June 17, 2013

A Relic

I found this in a box. It surprised me—I'd been careful to transfer all my floppy data to CD back with Kraiger still had a beige Mac with a floppy drive.

What was this, I wonder. My guess is I had to buy it at EasyEverything on the Ramblas in Barcelona in 2004. I was living on the sixth floor of a walk-up in Raval and there was no internet in the apartment. Back then, you couldn't just get it on your phone either. I spent a lot of time running up and down the stairs to get a signal on a nearby square from a restaurant, but when I needed to be online for a chunk of time, I'd sit at EasyEverything.

Or maybe I bought it across from Victoria Station years earlier, when there was an EasyInternet across the road from the train.

Some helpful people have made me laugh. "Why don't you have a USB floppy drive?" Uh...for the three times in the rest of my life when I'm vaguely curious? I even ditched my USB Zip Drive a few years ago after deciding if I hadn't already saved it, too bad.

Nevertheless, I have a friend who can read this for me. I think I'll go ahead and check it out.

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