Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our New Bridge

We got this beautiful new pedestrian bridge over the Morris Canal Big Basin last week. 

(What's a Big Basin? Read here.) 

Denise and I walked over on Sunday night to check it out. We're all pretty excited about this downtown. Otherwise, you have to walk or cycle all the way up past the end of the basin and then back. This shortcut is how every non-fossil-fueled park-goer in Downtown JC gets to Liberty State Park. 

The old bridge was pretty rickety but it was the only one we had, so we were all worried when Hurricane Sandy washed it out. 

But the bridge came back, right in time for Memorial Day weekend. 

As Denise and I checked out the new bridge, a jogger ran over, smiling and holding both arms in the air to show victory. Then two cyclists whizzed by, and one of them yelled as she pedaled. "Fuck you, Sandy! You got nothing on Jersey City!'   

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