Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day One: Southwest Circuit

Most tourists to Bolivia end up on the Southwest Circuit sooner or later.

It's a 3-day 4WD trip through a national park and the massive salt flats near Uyuni.

We left Uyuni and did the trip in reverse, beginning with a long drive to the red lagoon and finishing at the salt flats on Day Three. A cook and two drivers took us out into the rugged landscape, towards the Chilean border.

We'd stop at small roadhouses for lunch, and along the way, we'd pull over and investigate interesting sights. The first night, we stayed in a crowded, dirty hostel with foul-smelling toilets. There's not a lot of choice out in the boonies. Hey-There and I shared a triple with the boss, trip leader Paul.

Our day's drive went kind of like this:

We stopped to see rocks.

And for funny rabbity things.

And finally for the Laguna Colorado.

More photos here.

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