Monday, August 11, 2008

And I Used to Dye My Hair Brown, Too

Andrew Perry (once of both Antioch and Marvel) just uploaded this photo of me to Facebook, where a number of Antiochians of my vintage are putting up photos to torture each other be collegial.

It's me at my 1988 Antioch graduation. My friend Wendy made the dress from a wheat germ sack. "Number 1 Germ" was displayed across its front.

I am shocked at how young I look, though Andrew rightly pointed out that it was two decades ago.


Anonymous said...

You look much younger in that photo then I recall you looking back then. I can't place anyone else in the photo, can you?

Marie Javins said...

Yeah, I'm a "J" so in the blue dress is Carole Hooven (then Hooven-Fuchs? Now Hooven-Fuchs? I dunno) and in the tie is Ross Jeynes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I thought that might be Carole. I have no memory of ever meeting Ross.

Marie Javins said...

Ross went on to work at a then-little startup in Silicon Valley. "Adobe."

Sadly, Ross is no longer with us as of 2001.

Unknown said...

You can still enjoy Ross's old website, now maintained by Ross's younger brother, Scott:

Life without Ross just isn't the same! Thanks for posting this picture.

--Amy Jeynes (his sister-in-law)

Marie Javins said...

Thanks, Amy. That's really sweet.

My friends Nancy and Moira knew Ross much better than I did (they went to Egypt with him), but I last saw him at a science fiction convention in the mid-90s.

He wasn't actually attending. He was in Chicago on business. Maybe for Adobe? And I was there at the con on comic book business, and Moira was there to attend the con, and I think our friend Nancy just came out for the hell of it.

We had a great night at the hotel bar, watching crazy costumes and the madness of the con.

I also think fondly back to when he picked me up at the San Francisco airport years before that. In his Jaguar. His parents were at his house too. He drove me a train, I guess, so that I could go to San Francisco. And he said "I just have to stop by this new company first and drop off some paperwork. They're called Adobe. I'm thinking it makes more sense to take a job at a promising start-up."

Okay, I don't remember the exact words, but that was the gist.

Boy, was he right.

Unknown said...

I remember Nancy and Moira. Ross left for that Egypt trip straight from my and Scott's wedding.

Later, he told us about a man in Egypt who saw him with Nancy and Moira and said, "Ah, you have TWO wives!" :-D

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