Saturday, July 12, 2008

Photos of the Grand Canyon Rafting Trip

I've uploaded a bunch of my Grand Canyon photos to my Facebook gallery.

I can think of at least one person who—were he in the room with me rather than an ocean away and pretty far north—would lecture me for using a little point-and-shoot rather than an SLR. An SLR would have given me more impressive results, true. But these are all right for a wee camera.

Take a look!


Marc Siry said...

Those are great pics. I would think taking an SLR into an environment like that would be a bit risky.

Marie Javins said...

The reason I don't carry an SLR is the damn things are heavy once you add in the zoom lens and filters.

At least we don't have to carry around film anymore. During MariesWorldTour, I was a walking photo-mat.

Still have my film SLR. Not real sure what to do with it (though the lenses work with the Canon digital SLR I haven't bought yet, but will one day). I always manage to ditch my old Macs and iPods in the nick of time, but haven't been so proactive with old camera tech.

Steve Buccellato said...

Nice pics! Looks like a trip worth copying!

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