Saturday, June 14, 2008

So Long and Thanks for All the Goofiness

Isn't this great? It's a sketch that Sergio Aragones did on the letter he sent me on the final Epic (Marvel) issue of Groo the Wanderer in 1994.

Sergio sketched on everything he sent in. Backs of pages, notes, envelopes. I'm not sure what happened to all of the sketches. At one point, I had hundreds. Now I only have this one. And of course, his cow.

If you click on it, you can read the note that came in with the final issue.

And with that, I'm off to enjoy a bit of sunshine in the festival in front of my apartment building. Convenient until you get sick of the distorted outdoor music.

1 comment:

Matt Hollingsworth said...

Sergio's great! He's the first comics guy I met when I was 16. We were hopped up on some kind of uppers and downers of the over the counter variety and driving around bored in the middle of the night. Always a good idea! This is Ojai, California, where I'm from and where Sergio lives. We saw his brown Mercedes with the "Viva Mad" license plates and a light on upstairs in a retail/office mini mall space. So we stopped the car, got out, climbed the stairs and I knocked. Sergio pulled the mini blinds apart and said "who's there?", seeing us 16 year old punkers. I asked if he was Sergio Aragones and he said yes, opened the door and invited us all in. He talked with us and showed us pages and was great.

I've known him ever since, 23 years now. He's a true talent and a great person. I'm glad he was the first comics pro I met. Better to meet someone so nice like him rather than some of the horror stories I've heard of people showing Neal Adams their work, for instance. Yay Sergio!

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