Saturday, May 03, 2008

World Tour in a Book

It seems like a year ago that I wrote the text for the children's 3-D World Atlas & Tour. Actually, it was in December, 2006. That was a crazy time, when I was selling my condo and moving into an East Village sublet before jetting off to Cairo. I can't believe I wrote a book, did my day job, sold my place, moved all my stuff into storage, and moved to Manhattan and then to Egypt all in one month. Do you remember the few nights I spent at the Newark Airport Hilton, because my sublet ended before my flight to Barcelona, en route to Cairo? (Don't worry, the Newark Hilton is cheap on Priceline.)

The book is finally coming out in November of this year. Andrea (the editor, last seen on this blog wearing white) sent me the catalog with the ad for the book. It was work-for-hire, but I'm still really excited about this book. I've seen the galleys and it looks great.


Linda said...

Sounds like something our library needs for the children's collection!

Sara Kocher said...

So where can we buy one?

I think James would love this. It combines pop-ups and maps, so how can it go wrong?

Stuart Moore said...

Here's the Amazon link:

Marie Javins said...

Thanks, Stuart. Here's a clicky one.

Unfortunately, it's not out until September. But Sara-no pop-ups! Just 3-D. It really looks fun, and I tried not to do the same-old, same-old, for example not talk about wars and poverty and nothing else in regards to Africa.

Stuart Moore said...

I was going to make it clicky, but I got lazy. Go ahead and fix it if you want.

Anyway, this has to be better than the competition: a book called THE WORLD IS FLAT: NOT! Its publisher blurb includes the bizarre sentence: "Kids are great little signal processors!"

Marie Javins said...

I hear kids like it when you condescend. Not.

Har dee har har.

Sara Kocher said...

Whoops, I didn't realize it was 3-D as in blue-and-red-glasses. But that's great...he already has a 3-D book that he loves, so I think he'll like this also. Is that clicky link set up to give you extra money (i.e. as an Amazon affiliate)? If yes, I'll be sure to use it.

Adults must love the condescension thing too... hence all the dummy and idiot books. Which I refuse to buy just on principle, even if they'd be useful. A rose by any other name might sell better.

Marie Javins said...

I don't buy those either. Kind of an obnoxious concept the first time, worse when it was duplicated.

Steve Buccellato said...

Marie showed me a 'proof' of the book when I was in NYC, and it looks great. I'm definitely getting one for my kid.

(Pre-order now!)

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