Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stalking the Wild Small Antelope

"Ix-nay on the..." What? I can't remember what I was talking about in these goofy little work web videos. It was unfortunately just those of us in the New York office in June, so you won't see Captain M or Mr. Fixit or my pals from the Cairo or Kuwait offices. I'd gone sleeveless that day and had to put on a thick winter sweater out of respect to our audience.

The first video is kind of funny, but to see me truly making a fool of myself, be sure to click on the menu bar labelled "group dynamics" and choose my name.

Given the bit at the end of the me segment, I have a feeling the ix-nay was in reference to me saying the word dik-dik onscreen.

Here on my blog I can say it all I want. Dik-dik! DIK-DIK! DIK-DIK!


Marie Javins said...

Ha! Just noticed... at the very end of the video, I take off the sweater to reveal my sleeveless self because I reckon there's no way they'll put that clip in the video.

Sue said...

You hussy!

Linda said...

Well, you were certainly the prettiest person at the table!

Marie Javins said...

Oh dear... I hope so. Thought Stuart or Fabian might have something to say about that.

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