Friday, October 26, 2007

Go Ro!

My pal Roberta has been granted an expense-paid month-long residency at the largest international artist and writer studio residency program in the United States. This is courtesy the Dodge Foundation.

Ro gets discouraged sometimes at being an artist in a world where it's hard to make a living at it, the same way I frequently wallow in despair over trying to make money as a writer. This is great news about the grant to Ro.

Yay Ro! Here she is with her masterpiece done in electrical tape on a garage door.


Kel said...

That is awesome! Be sure to tell us when she is showing her work next, would love to see it.

And I guess looking through some grants for writers might not be such a bad idea :)

Marie Javins said...

Yeah, my next thought after CONGRATULATIONS was "uh-oh, I probably should be applying for grants."

chummy's mum said...

That's wonderful for your friend ROberta! And a very interesting installation on the garage door, we'd love to see more of her work too! Cheers!

Steven R. Stahl said...

It must be a tremendous feeling to have your talent recognized publicly like that and to do work, and to talk about work in such an environment.

In commenting on comics, I frequently come across people who reduce all preferences to like/dislike. If someone has a set of standards he uses, he doesn’t say what they are. It’s much better, in my experience, to read a story that’s well-written, like it because the writing is eloquent, the plot elements, the characterizations, and the theme all mesh beautifully, and to say so, than it is to like a piece of junk, to be unable to justify that liking in the face of criticism, and to end up saying, “So you don’t like it. So what!?

Producing art and appreciating art are intellectual processes.


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