Saturday, January 06, 2007

Skip Day

Sadly, I am skipping Arabic class.

I woke up much earlier, found that I could not stay up without coughing like mad, and immediately went back to bed.

I couldn't lie prone forever, so eventually I got up again. Coughed some more. Sneezed some more. Sniffled a lot. Eyes watered. An interesting mixture of liquid textures, a little bit of sting from the salt.

No trips to Hudson County Community College today. No sitting still for three hours in a classroom with frequent fleeing to the water fountain.

I can't stand all this coughing, so I'm going to lie down again. Meanwhile, here's something more entertaining than this whiny tale of woe over a run-of-the-mill bad cold (surely I'll recover):

Tim Leffel should be hired on as my personal publicist.* He's got me all over the place this month! And I heard that in the print version of this story, there's even a photo of me. (I sent it to him, but I've forgotten which ones I sent.) Thanks again, Tim!

*This story was written before I learned I was moving to Cairo to work for a while.

1 comment:

Marie Javins said...

A little better this morning, but with a sore right hand. I think I have carpal tunnel. Wouldn't be surprised, really...

On a more positive note, I love living in the thick of things again.

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