Monday, December 25, 2006

Six White Boomers

In Australia, Christmas falls in the middle of the summer. Some people take a basket of seafood to the beach that day.

It's too hot for reindeer in the Australian summer, so conventional wisdom Down Under (originated by Rolf Harris in 1960) is that Santa's sleigh is pulled by six macho white kangaroos (called "Boomers"). There's even a song about it, in which Santa and the boomers help a joey find his Mum.

Six white boomers
Snow white boomers
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun
Six white boomers
Snow white boomers
On his Australian run


Marie Javins said...

Remember to be kind to the homeless (i.e. me and Sven) during this holiday season.

Amanda said...

Is this reason why Google has kangaroos on their logo right now?? I've been wondering the reason behind that...

I hope you have a good Christmas, in spite of the homelessness.

Marie Javins said...

It might be related to this

Oh dear. Maybe we should stick with the six white boomers.

Amanda Castleman said...

I'm staying away from boomers and all other things Australian...

The other Amanda (cursed one)

Marie Javins said...

I'm good with the Aussies, but keep those damn Germans away from me, especially the Bavarians. Not real big on some parts of Scandinavia either. Hell, keep the entire EU out of my sight.

My mother made a valiant attempt to lift the Curse of the Hippo from me with a piece of hippo art. I don't know yet if it worked. I don't feel any different.

Amanda said...

Hmm, I guess I'll stick with American traditions, after watching that. ;)

Marie Javins said...

Yeah, I'll take my gifts off Santa, thanks. No Christmas Kangaroo wanted in this hemisphere.

Amanda Castleman said...

A dancing hippo figurine mysteriously appeared in my mother's office today.

Mere days after I gifted my parents with "Stalking the Wild Dik-Dik" (nabbed the second-to-last Scottsdale B&N copy!).

Coincidence? I think not.

These are strange times we live in... Ax.

Marie Javins said...

What?? Is that possible? Mystery Hippos! I love it! Maybe the hippo is controlling your mother's mind. She better be careful.

Anonymous said...

The Barred Rock Hen and Chicks were replaced on the shelf by a Hip Hippo dancing in High Heels. She is so beautiful with a purple turban lined in gold, a deep crimson bodice with dangling crystals and pantaloons.

Not one of my 40 staff will admit to knowing anything about her. I have only the doctor Jerry yet to ask when he comes back after the New Year. Otherwise she is a mystery!

Amanda Castleman said...

The mind control issue is also unresolved. She's baking delicious focaccia and buttermilk biscuits, as well as dispensing Patron GOLD tequila ... so all seems normal so far.

Ax (happy on the home front)

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