Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Quick Plumbing Update

Ax tells me that Hatboy likes the plumbing blogs, though she prefers the more personal posts.

So here's a quick plumbing update for Hatboy.


The condo inspector came and went. A few days later, my lawyer sent me an email.

"They'd like you to install new windows in the airshaft, and to get a cover plate for the boiler in the hot water heater. What is your response?"

I'd already ordered the windows, but the cover for the little space where the flames are in the hot water heater? I didn't even know it was supposed to have a cover.

"I'm not sure I can do that. I'll get back to you."

The guys at Modern Plumbing Supply on Communipaw Avenue helped me out, as they always do. I love going to them because I can say "I need the white thingymabob that hooks into the U that goes into an S and it's about this big and screws on." And they give me exactly the right part, and tell me how to install it.

"You can't buy that separately," was the bad news. "But you don't need it. The heater works fine without it. Why do you want it?"

"I'm selling. The buyers want it."

Ah. They nodded. One of them took some keys from a nail and told me to follow him.

We walked outside of the store and down the sidewalk, stopping in front of a padlocked gate. Mr. Modern unlocked it and in we went.

"We keep the old water heaters here after we install new ones in homes." He poked around on the ground. He found me two old cover plates.

"One of these should work. If not, you can probably bend it to fit. Don't cut yourself. No charge."

One fit perfectly. The other was exactly right for the boiler that feeds the basement washing machine. Mission accomplished.


Amanda Castleman said...

Now that's a plumbing post even I can love! Ax.

Anonymous said...

What could be more personal than hearing the intimate details of ones plumbing?

Besides, your "writers voice" carries with it a certain feeling of achievement when you post about your plumbing and DIY accomplishments.

I suspect you might be smiling while you write them...

Marie Javins said...

Hell yeah, I can be proud of my plumbing. And I sure am NOT smiling when wallowing in personal dilemmas. Nothing pleasing in that department.

Anonymous said...

Marie: Haven't read the blog in some time. But I LOVE the plumbing and DIY updates. Being a fellow house/real estate owner I can totally relate to the repairs & the "upgrades" one has to do when selling/trying to sell.

KUDOS to you on ur sucesses!!!
& I LOVE the guys at Modern! You are so lucky to have a place like that. Reminds me of the old "hardware" stores my dad would go to back in the day. Where you might not explain what ur looking for in great detail but the guys knew what you were talking about! Beats Home Depot & Lowes anyday.
Looking forward to catching up this weekend on your blog.
Love the brunette bob look! (tee hee)

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