Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not On the Move

It's the night before Thanksgiving, and all across the USA, people are on the move.

Not me. I'm sitting this one out. I'm packing to move, selling a condo, writing an atlas, helping run a comic book company and probably some other things I've forgotten. There's no time to get myself to Virginia and back.

I'm still thankful, though. Mostly thankful that I'm not sitting in traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike, but that counts too.


Linda said...

I'll miss you Marie!

Good luck with that packing though.


Amanda Castleman said...

I'm taking a holiday breather too, Marie. It's healthy once in a while, I reckon.

Marie Javins said...

Uh-oh. It's pouring down rain on Thanksgiving morning.

THAT'S not gonna be good for those Easter bonnets in the parade...

Marie Javins said...

Nine hours later and it is STILL pissing down rain. Horrible day. So glad I'm not driving in it.

Well, except I'll be going up to the Heights, ten minutes away, for Thanksgiving dinner at Michael Kraiger's. But that will be worth it because he really can cook, and there are two pies.

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