Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Creeping Gentry

This beautiful old building was the home to Modern Plumbing, which was anything but modern.

You'd go in and talk to the wise-ass, gruff and stocky Jersey guys behind the counter and you could say "I need a doohickey that does the thing, you know, that thing," and they'd nod and sell you that thing for four bucks. I once went in looking for a piece and they gave me that piece out of their backyard trash.

It's either a sign of the times that these newly renovated apartments are $2,150, or maybe it's a great example of hubris. This building faces a busy street, with not much parking, and minimal bus service. It's nowhere near the PATH or Light Rail, and seems like there'd be a lot of cheaper rents nearby.

But maybe this is just a symptom of rapid gentrification, and the KFC next door is going to switch to selling organic, spoon-fed, artisanal, cruelty-free chicken.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Gentrification is to be found all over.

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