Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mixed Emotions

It's that time of year when everyone parses out their complicated feelings about a certain large comic book convention located in southern California, leading no one to satisfactory conclusions.

Let's review.

-Yes, it's changed.

-Yes, you've changed.

-Yes, we've all changed.

-Yes, it's insanely expensive and you could either get a new roof this year or you could pay for a hotel room at SDCC.

-I would probably not be going if I weren't employed in the field, as I would choose a new roof.

-Even those who go struggle with the ups and down over the course of a few hours.

-Yes, it's fun.

-No, it's not fun, in fact, it can kinda suck.

 -You probably can't go anyway, since you didn't plan ten months ahead of time, so your thoughts on not going have no actual bearing on the results. It's kind of like politics. Talk all you want. Doesn't matter.

 -You could just tell everyone you went, and stay home and buy that roof, since it's possible to be there all week and never see people you wanted to see.

-If I weren't going, I'd probably find some way to rationalize how I had made the better choice than those who went, but it would be absurd, because the truth is so much more complicated.

-When I don't go next, likely in 2021, remind me to bitch and moan about how stupid everyone is who is going, because they should all be buying new roofs instead. No, wait. Remind me to accept my spot in the world with grace and not put down those who still attend.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I've only been to the local one here. I know from everything I've read, that one is way over the top.

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