Thursday, May 23, 2019

Backyard Social

My backyard in Jersey City gets more interesting to me every time I check the game camera my mom gave me.

I don't have the kind of camera where it sends the photos to my cell phone. I have to physically check the memory card. But this means I look forward to getting off the plane, grabbing a coffee from nearby Grind, and sitting down to look at what's been happening in my yard while I've been in Burbank.

A landscaper recently tried to talk me into fencing off my yard. No way, I said. The animals own it, not me.


William Kendall said...

Lots of animal company around. I wonder what they think of the camera.

Marie Javins said...

I'm not sure they notice it. Except the cats. They seem to see it.

Linda said...

Good looking skunk and raccoon!

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