Tuesday, April 22, 2008

But What's the Question?

Today I celebrate, or rather attempt to ignore, my second twenty-first birthday.

A half a life ago, at 21, I was a college intern at Marvel Comics. I lived in JC, on Fifth Street back then.

I ran into an ex-boyfriend in front of the New School last week. I hadn't seen him in about 15 years, since before I'd moved to Manhattan, back in the heady days of indie rock when bands slept on the floor of our group house, when the Other Marie, Nancy, and I used to tear around town in faux leopard-print coats (though mine was dalmatian), when we'd sail past doormen, when we'd inherit indie-rock-royalty secondhand clothes via Otis, when Nancy once marched up to Kim G0rdon and thanked her for a conspicuous furry coat she was wearing (it looked like Cookie Monster's pelt).

The ex, who surely never wore a Kim G. coat, but probably reviewed many LPs that she'd played on, asked what I was doing these days.

"I'm a comic book editor."

"STILL??? And where are you living?"


And then he'd just laughed. I'd stammered that I'd done a lot in the meantime, but it was kind of embarrassing.

"I went around the world a few times," I said, talking too fast and too nervously. "I've written four books. I've bought and sold two condos, left comics and returned to them over and over, lived in Uganda, Spain, Australia, and Kuwait...I wasn't in JC the whole time. I haven't been in comics this whole time."

Really, I'm not as pathetic as it sounds! I've done things! My years haven't been utterly controlled by inertia!

"Is your friend still married to D? I can't remember her name."

What? Could he be serious?

And suddenly, my awkwardness evaporated. Smugly, I answered.

"Marie. Her name is Marie."

Anyway, I'm 42 years old now. It's probably time I did more than talk about my next book. Mustn't let inertia take over!


Marie Javins said...

Oops, I forgot Egypt in that list of places I've lived. How could I forget Egypt?

Marie Javins said...

Check out this cool present I just bought myself.

Ed Ward said...

Hey, to hell with him. Lots of us already knew you were a Jersey City giant.

Happy birthday!

detroit dog said...

I feel like a turnip.

So what the hell as he been up to?

Elayne said...

Woo-hoo, happy birthday Marie! Wish I had an interview in the city today so I could take you out to lunch!

neal s said...

Happy birthday, Marie...

Don Hudson said...

I'm with Neal. Happy Birthday!

Nancy Matson said...

I knew it!

I want you to know I wished you a happy birthday before I saw this post, so I did remember.

You've got nothing to apologize for, or stammer over. And I'm sure when this guy got home and googled you, he could see that for himself.

I still have my leopard coat. Once in a while I bust it out.

Marie Javins said...

Spotted him here via google that same night.

He wasn't trying to make me nervous, and he seemed to think it was funny. The embarrassment was all mine.

He has a nice wife and kid now, and still edits music mags, but now that extends to online too.

I still have my dalmatian coat. Once in a while, I think about giving it to the Salvation Army.

Marie Javins said...

Thanks, Elayne! Thanks, Neal! Must have missed you both at the con, not surprising as I was too overwhelmed to return after Friday. Thanks Ed and Don, who were nowhere near the con.

Anonymous said...

I just got the joke in the headline.

Matt Hollingsworth said...

Happy Birfday!

Or, Sretan Rođendan!

Stuart Moore said...

Belated happy birthday! When you finally figure out what you're REALLY supposed to tell people you've been doing all these years, please let me know.

Marie Javins said...

I guess "It's complicated" might be adequate.

Brett said...

Sorry, I can be such a dick sometimes.

Sara Kocher said...

Shoot. I'm sorry I missed your birthday.

Happy extremely belated birthday, Marie!

Oh, and "working on my next book" is always good. It's true, and lets them know that you already have books.

Or you can scare 'em and say "looking for a topic for my next blog post."

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