Saturday, March 15, 2008

Raining in Bogota

Day One: Bogota.

It poured rain all day. The local residents all looked marvelously hip and edgy, as they posed in coffee shops. We looked like wet tourists.

We are staying in Candelaria, the old section of Bogota. So we walked around in the rain for a while.

Then we had some of Bogota's specialty, a chicken soup called ajiaco.

And finally, we gave up on walking in the rain and went to the Botero Museum. And that's where I learned that the massive fat cat sculpture on the Ramblas de Raval in Barcelona isn't just any fat cat. It's a Botero cat!


Steve Buccellato said...

I thought you were on vacation. What the hell are you bloggin' fer?!

Ana said...

love the cat

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