Thursday, March 13, 2008

Off to Colombia

I'm in my pajamas. My hair is wet. I don't know where my summer clothes are, and I didn't get around to buying any new shoes, though I got a last minute bathing suit.

I text C, who is going with me to Colombia (or maybe I'm going with him).

"Is it hot or cold in Colombia?"

"I'm already on the train! Just throw something in a bag and come to the airport."

I sense that I am a little behind the curve here on this Thursday morning.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marie
Thanx for the supportive comment. will be back soon again. Just need some space. Have a good trip to Columbia - sounds interesting,

Nancy Matson said...

Have fun, Marie. Sounds like a swell trip.

Marie Javins said...

Thank you, Pernille! Thanks, Nancy! I've already forgotten about work. Well, mostly.

Nicolas said...

Hi Marie,

What clothes you need depends on where in Colombia you are headed. The two major cities (which I hope you will stick to the major cities of Bogota, Medellin, Barranquilla, Cartagena or Cali)in the mountains requiring cooler weather garb (lightweight sports coat etc) are Bogotá and Medellin.

Best of luck on your trip, Colombia is a beautiful place in spite of all the scars inflicted on it. The people are friendly and warm and like to have a good time. A lot. I think the Carnival in Barranquilla just passed. Not as big as Rio's but equally as passionate partying :)



Linda said...

I'm glad C---- is going with you! Seems safer that way.


Stuart Moore said...

I just have one little script question...

Kidding. Enjoy your trip!

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