Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

As we all know, Roberta has won a fellowship to paint for a month in Vermont.

Which is great. Yay Ro! But it also means she needs to find a tenant to stay in her condo for the entire month of April. I left my place empty this past time when I went to Egypt, but that was out of laziness. It's never a good idea to leave your apartment empty. All kinds of horrible things can happen. Water heaters can burst. Dust bunnies can grow to the size of the television. Silverfish can take over.

Ro lives three doors down from my old place, on an incredible old-school block full of chatty stoop-sitting neighbors. I always say Ro should run for mayor, since she knows everyone on the block. She even knows the postal carrier's name. The neighborly old Italian woman across the street bakes scones and meals for Roberta, whether she likes it or not.

So Ro needs to find someone to sublet. Anyone interested? E-mail me. Includes all bills (Internet, basic cable, electricity, gas), $1600 a month, and it's about 650 square feet. The style is railroad--long and skinny. It's renovated, but retains some of its character. Third (top) floor walkup on the north side of the street, so lots of morning sun. The walk to the subway door on the PATH train is 1,000 Marie-steps, and the PATH takes 7 minutes to Greenwich Village or World Trade Center stop.

Plus you get to have me as your landlord, since Ro will be out of town.


Don said...

Bugs a big problem in new Joisey?

Marie Javins said...

No, not really. But it is theoretically possible anywhere that one could be overrun by silverfish, that is, if someone is the sort of person to have lots of paper. Like lots of books and comic books. Which Ro doesn't have, but I certainly do.

Don Hudson said...

Is there a comic shop nearby?

Marie Javins said...

Sadly, the nearest comic book store is at Broadway and 13th Street.

But the bookstore in the mall has an entire aisle dedicated to graphic novels and trade paperbacks, mostly Tokyopop.

Yasir Khan said...

$1600 a month for 650sqft? Bloody hell, Cairo's made me forget how much real real-estate actually costs. I'm even put off by the whole idea of paying rent. Thank you AUC.

Marie Javins said...

I wish AUC paid my rent.

Anyway, $1600 including all utilities etc. and just one stop from Greenwich Village is a steal. It's all relative.

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