Wednesday, January 09, 2008

My Travel Map

I tried one of those online travel map sites.

36%? It sure felt like more.


Don Hudson said...

I think you need to take a Trans-Canadian railroad trip. Color in northern most America.

azure said...

I think it's way more also. You have traveled more than anybody else I know!

Anonymous said...

i notice south georgia island is missing from your map . . .

Ed Ward said...

Second Don's idea. That's a great trip.

Don said...

Unless you are trying to make a political statement for separatism, being in Quebec means that all of Canada should be green.

Marie Javins said...

Hey, the travelmap site let me break down some countries by states and regions! The US states I haven't been to aren't green either, and Western Australia isn't green.

The Canada rail trip is one I've wanted to take for a long time. It does sound great, who cares that going to Canada wouldn't increase my 36%? Though we all know from the Antarctica article that I am a closet country-counter.

e, you can't see South Georgia on this map. Now you're just getting carried away.

Marc Siry said...

I'm like the inverse Marie. I haven't been many places, but I *have* been to the Dominican Republic and South Korea.

Now I guess I have to visit Saudi Arabia and Madagascar.

Marie Javins said...

That's it. I'm going to the D.R.

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