Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cute but Stinky

I'm working on an Antarctica piece for Tim Leffel's Perceptive Travel website.

And so far, it isn't doing what I want it to do. I'm still wrangling. Maybe tomorrow it will cooperate.

But as I was bemoaning my situation, my pal Edward (last seen gloating that I hadn't been to South Georgia and he had) reminded me of a detail I'd forgotten.

"Don't forget the stink of the penguins."

Oh yeah. That's right. Penguins hang out together and poop on the rocks. When you have a big group of penguins, you have a big penguin poop smell.


Yasir Khan said...

I'm having a bit of a Beavis & Butthead moment with Poop on the Rocks.

As in, "do you like your poop neat, or on the rocks?"

Stuart Moore said...

I just stumbled on this piece yesterday, about the troubles penguins are having with global warming:

Marc Siry said...

They stand around on rocks covered in poop? Happy feet, indeed!

Marie Javins said...

Edward thinks it's #1 and not #2. But that doesn't sound as poetic for Yasir.

Steven R. Stahl said...

I suppose the smell of poop is a detail they leave out of films about penguins. People don't want to think about Bambis killing young trees by eating their bark, either. Nature isn't neat.


Marie Javins said...

Bambis aren't real bright. One ran into my car once. Or maybe it was Bambi's mother.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the penguins, but immediately think of the incredible seal stink off the coast of Namibia. Similar? Better or worse? Hard to imagine worse!

Marie Javins said...

It's not worse... it's the same smell but less "OMG, I'm going to vomit!" Same same but different.

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