Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last Look at Oz (No More Wallabies!)

I was the lucky recipient of extraordinarily good luck on two fronts during my most active travel years.

On the peace front, I was lucky enough to go through Pakistan and Iran in 1998. Through Zimbabwe before the crisis got truly bad. Through Sudan at a time of relative calm. Through East Timor post-war, as one of the first tourists.

On the prosperity front, the US dollar was at unprecedented heights when I went around the world. When I lived in Australia, I got almost double for every dollar I spent.

Which is why I was able to splurge on things like catching a helicopter back from a snorkeling excursion to the Great Barrier Reef.

Visiting the giant pineapple was even cheaper.


chummy's mum said...

Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef! I'm *so* jealous :) Wonderful photos!

Marie Javins said...

It was beautiful but lonely. Turbo stayed home to work and I went alone, which for some reason is less fun when you're only traveling for a short time. I guess that traveling alone for the long-term puts me in the right frame of mind for meeting people. But for just a few days, I'm still in my "city-head" frame of mind.

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