Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Fork in the Road

I couldn't sleep after the mosque called Cairo to its early morning fast, then finally fell into a restless dreamy state, where I ran into my ex, HM of Dik-Dik infamy. Strangely, he was living (with a woman) under an assumed name, while working at a college radio station as an intern. At a shopping center. In Israel. And he wouldn't speak to me when I called him by his real name, so I had to address him as Raghul. Which all seemed plausible in my dream. And then I woke up and realized the assumed name was a bastardization of the villain's name in the comic book I edit.

That was nearly as disturbing as the nightmares I used to have in Namibia after "Raghul's" sudden disappearance, so I went ahead and got out of bed, though it was just after five a.m.

Anxiety dream? But why? Nothing too worrying is happening.

Ah, but I leave Cairo tonight and suddenly I am full of doubt. I am uncertain as to which path to proceed on, blinking as I stumble along at a fork in the road.

I enjoy living in Cairo. It would be no-big-thing to get transferred here for keeps. Should I go home? Should I come back? Could I really make a life here, join the gym, buy a colonial-era flat and renovate it? Have I really resolved to be a single, independent woman forever, to live life on my terms without being too fussed that I neglected my basic human duties of family in a society where the family unit is utterly important? To do all this in Cairo? Is that crazy talk?

I'm a good expat. It suits me. My theory is that I'm alienated anyway, and when I'm out of my own country, at least I have a justification for being alienated.

But as soon as I bought my ticket to Barcelona, I mentally checked out of Cairo. Two weeks ago, I was loving my life here. Yesterday, I couldn't wait to leave. And now, I'm having anxiety dreams.

I will go to Barcelona, buy some new clothes, and get work done for both the Cairo and New York offices, so that when I go in to work in New York in one week, I'm starting new and not as far behind as I usually am. I've stored things under my desk in the Cairo office, on the assumption that I'll return. Captain M pretends I'm returning. Yasir has offered to find an apartment for me. In my gut, I believe it's time to go home. In my brain, I'm not sure why my gut believes that, and wonder if maybe my gut is just acting as a homing beacon and telling me to follow the traditions I've made for myself. I go to New York because it's what I do.

Is Cairo a distraction from my other life, or is this my life? I don't know if I'm supposed to move on or get comfortable.


Matt Hollingsworth said...

Well, whatever the case, enjoy Barcelona and safe travels!

Sretan put!

Linda said...

Come home, come home! It's suppertime!


Anonymous said...

It's your life, no matter what you decide. I'm rooting for a return to Cairo though, since I enjoy living vicariously through your blog!

Anonymous said...

When I'm stuck between to opposing choices, I force myself to look in the middle and see what might be constructed there. Sometimes I then realize that the answer is in front of me. And when none of that does anything for me, I park the question for a while and just let it percolate in the background.

Anonymous said...

Or, as Yogi Berra once famously said:
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it!"

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