Saturday, September 08, 2007

Barbie's Distant Cousin

She's fulahlicious!


Anonymous said...

Huh. According to Wikipedia, the Muslim counterpart to Barbie is named “Fulla.” The doll named “Fulah” is said to be a knockoff produced to be sold in China. It’s nice to know that Muslim girls play with dolls, even if the dolls have distinctly conservative lifestyles.

Steven R. Stahl

Linda said...

That would make a nice souvenir!

vagabondblogger said...

I think they're outlawed in Morocco. I read somewhere they had the police there out rounding them up - too Muslim.

Amanda Castleman said...

Am I missing a trick or does our good hijab girl have a Suzy Wong cocktail dress and a princess-cheerleader outfit to the right?

And, hello: pink go-go boots! I'd blush to wear those in Seattle, and we have leashed gimps on the streets...

Course, like any good travelgirl, I pack for any contingency. But this takes the lentil cake.

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