Sunday, August 05, 2007

Too Tired to Blog

Some days, you go to work and push papers around.

Then there are days when a misguided former employee whose name is on the lease decides he wants thousands for the privilege of having been fired, closes the company, throws everyone out, and you are forced to flee with hard drives, subscription lists, and a five-pound Arabic-English dictionary. And then you run with 15 employees.

No one has arrested me yet. Hoping for the best. I don't want to go to jail anywhere, much less in Egypt.

It is disappointing how easily money corrupts people. How someone would hold 15 careers hostage in exchange for his own financial gain.

It goes without saying that he can stuff it. Bokra fi mish mish. That's like saying "On a cold day in hell" or "When pigs fly."


Amanda Castleman said...

Wow. Poor Marie. Brave Marie.

Should we worry yet? We're very good at it...

I need backstory, bella. Email me when you surface.

Corraggio, Ax.

Anonymous said...

What the hell happened?

Marie Javins said...

I better not say yet. But here's this: I got to hold an employee meeting in the birthday room in McDonald's. And the whole time, my sales manager was trying to sell comics to the McDonald's manager for their happy meals.

Must remember to keep that man on board.

John Bligh said...

I could swear that the same thing happened at least twice at Marvel.

Oh wait, those were just the bi-annual mass layoffs...

My bad...


Anonymous said...

Cripes, and I thought the comics publishers I've worked for are screwy and unstable.

Good luck, kiddo. Sending good juju your way.

Marie Javins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ed Ward said...

Maybe not the kind of adventure you thought you were signing up for, eh? Good luck! Contact me backchannel if you need anything.

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